Workplace Bullying

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Workplace Bullying


This paper is principally elucidating upon workplace bullying. This is considerably an old issue that is being discussed by various intellectuals and scholars. In this contemporary era, bullying at workplace has increased significantly due to increase in competition amongst employees. Bullying is any abusive behavior (gesture, word, writing, behavior, attitude, etc.) that intentionally and often injure the dignity and physical or psychological integrity of a person, threatening his job or degrading the working climate. This paper will highlight that how workplace bully is associated with individual's emotional and psychological behavior, and how it impacts upon the organization. Moreover, it is also put under consideration that how it affects the economy of a state.

Workplace Bullying


Moral violence or bullying at work is not a new phenomenon. You could say that it is as old as the work. The novelty lies in the intensification, severity, extent and trivialization of the phenomenon and the approach, which attempts to establish the causal nexus, the organization of work and treat it as not inherent in the work. The reflection and debate on the topic have gained strength after the release of various researches conducted by different scholars and business intellectuals.

The subject has had a constant presence in newspapers, magazines, radio and television across the world. The subject has been discussed widely by society, particularly in the trade union movement and in the legislature. Currently there are over 80 bills submitted in different cities of the country. Several projects have already been approved (Beaty & Alexeyev, 2008). There are projects in the pipeline in the states of California, Washington, Florida and among various others. At the federal level, there are proposals to amend the Criminal Code and other bills.

This paper will elucidate upon the notion of workplace bullying and how it is being practices by different employers and workers at workplaces. It is the exposure of workers to humiliating and embarrassing, repetitive and prolonged during the workday and in the exercise of its functions, being most common in authoritarian hierarchical relationships and asymmetric negative behavior, relationships inhumane and unethical long duration of one or more heads directed to one or more subordinate(s), destabilizing the victim's relationship with the work environment and the organization, forcing him to quit the job.

Characterized by the deliberate degradation of working conditions, it prevail negative attitudes and behaviors of leaders toward their subordinates, constituting a subjective experience that is detrimental, emotional and practical for the worker and the organization. The chosen victim is isolated from the group without explanation, becoming ostracized, ridiculed, inferiority, blamed and discredited before peers. These, for fear of unemployment and the shame of being humiliated also associated with a constant stimulus to competitiveness, break the bonds of affection with the victim, and often reproduce actions and acts of the perpetrator.

The bullying creates repetitive and long-lasting impact on the lives of workers and effective directly on compromising their identity, dignity and social and emotional relationships, causing serious damage to physical and mental health, which can progress to working disability, unemployment ...
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