The prevalent stereotypes of elderly highlight the attention of public just on the part of termination of elder persons (such as chronic illnesses, reliance on other people prior to demise). We, nevertheless, neglect a numerous decades enduring crucial period of the age-phase at that time when the older adults, regardless of their capabilities, competencies and acquaintance, are being eradicated from the community and from the communal and structured proceedings as well. Still, the European Union timely establishes an energetically age at its political podium. Older adults acquire responsibility to make the supremacy of the young's life better, which they might not act upon by themselves because of obstruction. Joint ventures of cohort age groups bring about a productive and beneficial co-existence. Several stereotypes can still be experienced in different societies in the arena of elderly and process of growing old.
At the pre-school children, the stereotypes have already been articulated, adults do not recognize how, they are not competent, and they have a lot of rest and fail to remember anything. Similar to every stereotype, typecasts on the subject of older adults are missing as well, for the reason that they are gathered, they take a broad view and do not frequently epitomize the realism. These stereotypes not only entitle the older individual independently and inappropriately, but in addition, put an effect on his attitude and practice.
If the condition of older adults could be viewed in an unusual approach than to date, particularly in connection with the capabilities and dexterities of elderly people, the condition of the modern age group of old individuals can be facilitated along with every generation, for the reason that the process of growing old is the universal happening of life, from which nobody can be run off.
Physiological and Cognitive Issues in Elderly
As a person grows older, he becomes more prone to have some physiological and cognitive problems which may include the following:
Old people are lonely
This stereotype is very common, which every person accepts, but the scenario is different from top to bottom. There are numerous older adults that live in old age homes, which bring many groups of people together. In the old age homes, there is a huge population in which every individual shares his room and becomes socialized with one another in such a manner that everyone can come across his companionship.
Older Adults are Nostalgic
There are a lot of persons, including the youngster especially, who have the standpoint that the elderly are not capable of talking on the subject of anything but their past. However, every individual is fond of talking about and sharing his previous happenings if they are pleasant recollections of the actions of the precedent time. Aged individuals point out their pasts quite frequently, but, for all the time, they declare that the humankind is much pleasing and enjoyable in present days, as there is no scarcity or deficiency, and everything is at its ...