Working In Partnership

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Working In Partnership in Health and Social Care

Table of Contents


Task1: Understand partnership philosophies and relationships in health and social care services4

Theories and Framework for Partnership Success4

The Public-Private Paradigm in Health Care4

Stakeholders and Agendas5

Task2: Understand how to promote positive partnership working with users of services, professionals and organizations in health and social care services6

Partnership with Nurse and Physician participation7

Partnerships with NGOs10

Partnership with financial sector10

Partnership with Government11

Task3: Evaluate the outcomes of partnership working for users of services, professionals and organizations in health and social care services11

The outcomes that can be achieved by forming partnership with users of services, professionals and organizations in health and social care services are mentioned below.11

Advantages of Partnership11

Factors for ensuring successful Partnership13


Working In Partnership in Health and Social Care


The partnership is defined as an active engagement of different stakeholder, while maintaining their independence. Partners agree to pool their efforts to achieve a common goal related to a problem or a clearly identified need in which, by virtue of their respective missions, they have an interest, responsibility, motivation, or even an obligation. The partnership envisaged often as part of alliances. A company that works systematically organizing partnerships is a business network (Andreasen 2005, pp.46-67). The partner is different from a proper party in the sense that relations with the business partners are narrower. The obligations of a company vis-à-vis a party may result from legal constraints, result in disclosure requirements, but have no realization operating in the partnership (Hamann 2003, pp.255-70).

The partnership is not a fad, but a necessity. In the area of public services, it is used to solve complex problems that organization alone cannot resolve. The advantage of the partnership is that it facilitates the share expertise and innovation. It is indeed innovation since the action in partnership, in many areas seeks to replace the traditional action, deemed inappropriate. We cannot hide it, this mode of action is demanding: it is based on a high degree of collaboration (Banks 2007, pp.68-69). Exchange information, refer to persons or coordinate actions, it requires a lower level of collaboration that the action in partnership, which itself requires engaging in a joint project. The action in partnership usually involves the sharing of knowledge and resources and may require change activities, services or the operation of organizations. An important advantage of the limited partnership is that if something goes wrong, the responsibility of the participants (note that the participants, not partners), as well as the liability of shareholders limited liability company, limited. Previously, if business owners want to limit his personal responsibility, they created a limited liability company; profits are taxed on corporate earnings. In this case, dividends paid by a company are treated as income received by shareholders. Limited partnership is taxed at a different scheme. Profit is seen as personal income for each participant. Scheme in which partnerships and companies are taxed differ significantly, however, should not be regarded as their overriding criterion for choosing the legal form of ...
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