Working Exposure Limits (Wel)

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Working Exposure Limits (WEL)

Working Exposure Limits (WEL)


It is a fact that excessive exposure causes more damage to health, although often with the same exposure, within the same population as the various members may suffer the effects of varying severity. For the purpose of protecting the health and the environment, numerous national and international scientific organizations have set limits of concentration in the air directly related to the potential toxicity of airborne substances. These limits can be based on the latest scientific knowledge and can be adopted as such by the various state laws, so as to make compliance with them compulsory (Wayne, 2011, pp.78-94).

Discussion and Analysis

In principle, as regards to the concentration of toxic substances dispersed in the environment, in the current regulations these values can be distinguished. This includes the alarm threshold that represents the concentration above which there is a risk to human health in case of exposure of short duration. The threshold of information, which represents the concentration above which there is a risk to human health in case of brief exposure for particularly sensitive sections of the population. The limit value is the concentration which should not be exceeded; the target value that is the concentration that must be achieved, as far as possible, within a given period of time. Thus, the 'long-term goal which is the, concentration that should be achieved in the long run, provided this can be achieved through proportionate measures (Timbrell, 2008).

What is health?

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as "a state of complete in the physical, mental and social "and not merely the absence of disease. The definition is a part of Declaration of Principles of WHO since its founding in 1948. In the same statement recognizes that health is one of the elemental rights of human beings, and that achieve the highest comfort level depends on the cooperation of individuals and nations and the application of social and health. Highlights related to this definition:

Equality of the concepts of wellness and health

Integration of social, psychological and physical in a harmonious whole

Adoption of a common framework for the development of health policies by the countries signatories

Health must be understood as a state that can always improve the means of considering all individuals, related to each other and with the environmental in which they live and work long working hours: the practical issues of application (Sun, 2010, pp 12-56).

Working Hour and Law

The concept of non-normalized working day can be defined in Article 101. Labour Code is however, the practical application of this mode is a lot of questions. The legislator did not mention the criterion by which employees can be set this mode, the contents of the Labour Code st.101 does not answer the question, why the need to attract workers to perform work functions outside of normal working hours. No attention left such a thing as episodic involvement of employees to perform their job duties in the mode of irregular working hours and a quantitative criterion for ...
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