Working Effectively With Students With Autism

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Working Effectively with Students with Autism


The research is based on the children Autistic Spectrum Disorders. The paper defines Autism with prevalence in the society. The discussion encompasses the steps to be taken by parents to diagnose the disability. The appropriate educational program with need based strategies and techniques are also discussed. The aim of this research is to provide a number of practical educational information to parents and teachers. The ultimate goal is to bring improvement in the autistic children so that that they can fit in the society of normal people. The paper examines the various interventions in the diagnosis and treatment of the autistic children. The paper then concludes with the views that these children can benefit from the early interventions and proper care and attention from the family and community.

Thesis Statement1


Aim of the Study2

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)2

Prevalence of ASD3

Literature Review5

Educating Autistic Students5

The Need for Early Interventions12

Indicators for Quality Program13

Motivation and Reinforcement13

Social Development Strategies14

Limitations of the Research15




Working Effectively with Students with Autism

Thesis Statement

The study is aimed at providing the people, working with Autistic students, with complete information of ongoing practices and the strategies to enhance the Autistic child's mental development through proper special education.


The research is anticipated to help pout teachers and other people working with the students with Autism. The paper will widely discuss the proper techniques needed to improve the mental development of an Autistic child. With this, it will also be discussed that working with these children calls for a knowledge of child's potentials and weaknesses. It is essential to know what Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is. Today, we have a lot of information about ASD. Research is going on to discover more techniques and strategies to deal with the students of ASD. Consequently, doctors and educationists are devotedly paying attention to diagnose ASD in children (Rogers et al, 2012).

With ongoing research, the professionals are now proficient of providing more information regarding the Autism Spectrum Disorders and hence are able to give research based suggestions to the people who work with children with ASD. However, what useful educational interventions are, is a big question to the people involved in working with children with ASD. Teachers, parents, speech therapists and psychologists must know ways and strategies for the development of Autistic children. This requires that all people must learn to make use of available practices information to meet potential overlying of the requirements of this group as a whole but it must be noted that no two autistic children have similar needs. So, individual need based attention is the advisable.

Aim of the Study

The basic purpose of this study is to find out the educational information about Autistic Disorders and to provide parents, teachers and therapists with the need based strategies and methodologies under the program of Individualized Education. With this, this research will also help the educational team to develop research based line of action for Autistic children.

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

Autism involves impairments of social and communication skills, and the prevalence of some conventional ...
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