Workforce Management And Development

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Workforce Management and Development

Workforce Management and Development


I have chosen Procter and Gamble (P&G) company for this project. P&G is a global leader in consumer packaged goods. It has implemented Business Intelligence systems to improve its business processes. These are Business Sphere environment model and Business Sufficiency analytic model. Business Sphere provides real-time business information. Business Sufficiency provides forward-looking projections and scenarios (P&G Website, 2013).

P&G extensively uses IT applications and services in its manufacturing process. (P&G Annual Report, 2013). P&G, with its advanced technology infrastructure, IT products and services, can further increase its competitive advantage by adopting best HR practices in job analysis, job design and new employee orientation.

Workforce Management Strategy

I have chosen Job Analysis and Job Design as a workforce management practice. This practice should be started in P&G. P&G has a workforce of about 121,000 employees. It sells branded consumer packaged products in more than 180 countries (P&G Annual Report, 2013). A company with such geographic expansion and a huge number of employees must focus on careful analysis of its jobs.

Job analysis is the study of job to identify tasks, work activities, and responsibilities associated with a particular job. The job is first broken down into tasks. Each task gets a rating or score on the basis of its frequency of occurrence, significance, and importance (Goffin & Woycheshin, 2006). Job design determines the way work is organized and performed. The process identifies the work to be done; how it will be done; the skills, knowledge and abilities needed to do the job and how the job contributes to achieving organizational goals (HR Practitioners, 2011). Job analysis and design will enable P&G to identify knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics needed to perform a job and prepare a job description and job specification for each job. If job analysis and job design are not carried out, P&G will not have proper organizational structure. Task lists and job descriptions will not be available, and employees will not have a clear direction as to what is expected of them.

Workforce Development Strategy

I have chosen New Employee Orientation as a workforce development practice. It is extremely essential for new employees to know about P&G's vision, mission and values. They must be aware of its core products, core business and geographical presence. Orientation will update employees about P&G's reportable segments and Global Business Units. It will familiarize them about its focus areas and strategies for future. New employees will know about its key current projects and major upcoming projects. Orientation updates new incumbent about company's policies and procedures. It also updates about the reporting hierarchy, safety and security policies. Employee will also learn about code of conduct, disciplinary action policies, dress code, and confidentiality clauses. Orientation should also include field visit to one of the production site so that the employee knows about each stage of product development cycle. Utilizing technology ensures that the same information is presented in the same manner every time, which can be necessary for legal reasons (Prime ...
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