Work Term Report

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Work Term Report


This Co-op Work term Report is based on reflecting the employee's job satisfaction aspects at FreeBalance, Inc. this report intended to present some relevant aspect of the duties and responsibilities and job satisfaction. Iam working in FreeBalance, Inc. as a Technical Consultant Co-op. This paper presents the job satisfaction aspects at FreeBalance, Inc. Additionally, this paper also analyzes the my performance and satisfactino level at FreeBalance, Inc. Due to the rapid changes in the global marketplace, new and changing technologies, and significant competition in all industries, paternalistic organizations are quickly going the way of the dinosaur. Today's employers expect their workers to be self-directed and responsible for their own career development.


I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.Table of Contents




Job Satisfaction6

Employer's Feedback9

Importance To Worker And Organization11

Creating Job Satisfaction12



Work Term Report


Iam working in FreeBalance, Inc. as a Technical Consultant Co-op. This paper presents the job satisfaction aspects at FreeBalance, Inc. Additionally, this paper also analyzes the my performance and satisfactino level at FreeBalance, Inc. Organizations hire people to perform specific tasks that help them achieve their business goals. They want to hire the talent necessary to achieve organizational goals that are consistent with their mission and profitability. The process of selecting employees is dependent on accurate job descriptions, reasonable expectations and realistic, self-aware applicants. Manuel Pietra is a global executive with more than 25 years of successful management experience from companies in the United States, Canada, Europe, South Africa, and Latin America. As President and CEO of FreeBalance, Mr. Pietra leads global growth strategies and customer engagement. Mr. Pietra has transformed FreeBalance into a customer-centric and socially responsible company. Mr. Pietra won the 2011 Next Generation Executive of the Year Award sponsored by the Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation (OCRI). His leadership and vision also led the company to win the prestigious 2009 Canada Export Achievement Award.

When an organization successfully finds people who “fit” the job requirements, who enjoy and are skilled in the tasks assigned to meet the organization's goals, and appreciate the organization's salary/benefit strategy, a win-win situation is created for the employer and employee. Historically, the focus of organizations has been to establish a generally acceptable organizational culture. At FreeBalance, Inc. benchmark its compensation and benefit strategies to remain competitive in hiring and retaining talent. They also face increasing expenses in benefits such as healthcare, retirement investments and tuition reimbursement. (Ting, 2009) Organisations like FreeBalance, Inc. understands another critical aspect of job satisfaction will gain an advantage in recruiting, retaining and developing talent. This second aspect is referred to as job-related satisfiers (job-rs), the satisfiers and enjoyment that an individual employee experiences from performing the actual work or tasks of his or her job.

Job Satisfaction

Being a part of a Freebalance company, Mr. Rao learning a lot of technical skills such as overseeing the company's network; making sure that the company can keep their information systems ...
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