Work Place Safety

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Work Place Safety

Work Place Safety

Outline of the Research Paper

Given below is the outline of the research paper mentioned below:


The introduction section of this paper is comprised of the basic overview of the research paper. This section consists of the problem to be discussed in the research paper.


This section is comprised of different laws imposed by United States on maintaining the workplace safety within the organisation so that the employees could work in an effective environment. This section is also comprised of the examples of workplace incidents and the cost incurred by companies in maintaining workplace safety.


This section provides the conclusion of the research paper.


The main purpose of this paper is to conduct an analysis on employment law and discuss the examples of the law. The employment law which has been discussed and analyzed in this paper is the work place safety law. Work place safety is a serious concern and each and every company has to follow the work place safety rules to protect its employees. It is necessary that the companies should provide work place safety to its employees and should consider on taking all the best possible measures which assure the workplace safety. The OSHA standards are also the work place safety rules that regulate the companies for taking the work place safety measures so that its employees could work in a safe environment.


Given below are the laws which should be followed by the companies as work and safety laws.

Mine Safety and Health Administration

Health and safety had been a serious issue in all the countries. Just like the other countries, United States is also paying a great concentration on the health and safety issues since a long time. Mine Safety and Health Administration has been introduced with the aim of bringing safety in workplace. This act is also comprised of different regulations in which some refers to all the industries of United States and some are applicable on only few industries of United States. These regulations are based on the types of premises and other issues related to health and safety. As per the Mine Safety and Health Administration, an employer is responsible for providing the health and safety measures to its employees and in case of failure, the employer is eligible for the prosecution. It is the right of the workers that they should be provided with the safe working environment by their employers.

As per this act, it is the responsibility of the employer to assure the workers that the health and safety measures are provided to them and the risks of suffering stress at work is very minimal. For this purpose it is necessary that the employers should conduct a risk assessment and consult the safety representatives so that the proper safety measures should be provided to the workers (Baker, 1980).

Occupational Health & Safety Act

Occupational Health & Safety Act is also mainly focused on the provision of safe environment in workplaces within the minimum ...
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