Work Motivation Theory And Practice

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Work Motivation Theory and Practice

Work Motivation Theory and Practice


Motivation is a crucial concept in the study of organizations. His relationship with individual performance, satisfaction and organizational productivity has become the key topic of organizational behavior. However, both the definition and the explanation of the phenomenon have a wide spectrum of possibilities. Motivation is a highly complex phenomenon. It's not easy to define. Any definition adopted would be somewhat arbitrary. For purposes of this letter of introduction, consider motivation as a process which begins, sustains and directs behavior to achieve incentives that meets an important need at this time for the individual.

The report below is divided into two different parts: a theoretical part and a practical part two. At points in the book of the subject, ranging from the concept of motivation at work, going through the main theories that explain the motivation, practice to motivate workers and extrinsic incentives and intrinsic motivation in the workplace, there were three issues that are steering the importance of motivation, two ways to reward employees and a series of maxims that help to motivate them.


What is the motivation?

Motivation is defined as the cause of the behavior of an organism, or why an organism carries out a particular activity, motivation is "to cause or reason for something" and why is it that moves or has efficacy or virtue to move. Arguably, the motivation is the engine of our work, is a force capable of driving our behavior, and also to sustain it as long as this behavior.

Psychologists are three important elements that interact in the process motivator:

The object to be achieved (stimulus).

The drive or basic energy (response).

The agency or person receiving the stimulus and reacts with a specific answer.

These elements are linked, since it requires a set of stimuli that trigger a behavior, that is, to cause a response. The existence of stimulus-response pairing explains the existence of motivation. Also bear in mind a third element that determines all motivation, this element is the entity (person), which reacts in a certain way to a stimulus depending on your situation or circumstance.

Motivation at Work

Today, companies consider extremely important the motivation of workers to organize production time. We have seen that there is a relationship between productivity and worker performance and the work environment. Motivating employees is difficult, as each individual has their reasons for working and thereby stimulating some may not be important to others. What seems clear is that the specific reasons that the person has an inner disposition to "want or desire to" do something. Companies must find out how you can make your employees want to do something, work harder and better.

Companies often have an interest in the work performed by the employees as enjoyable for them, both from the point of view of the task and the context in which the task is performed. The main focus of the companies is that the fewer frustrating elements in the work process has, the greater the satisfaction of employees, and thus the productivity will be ...
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