Work/Life Balance

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Work/Life Balance

Work/Life Balance


In the beginning of 20th century there was a business issue created in the world, because everyone started thinking that the word “work-Life balance” does not exist now, so everyone started a war against their employers and ask them to focus on the balance of work and private life.

In this paper you will find why life-work balance is issue nowadays, trends emerging from it, how to achieve life-work balance, their advantages as a employee/ employer and the barriers which lead to unbalance of work life.


Today new graduates working in organization are demanding some facts which should be focused by the employers. According to the survey it is analyze that the need balance between time and private life, mobility, fluency in IT, and a community with the workplace. (Kevin, F., 2007)

To achieve work-life balance there are some facts to be fulfilled by the individual and the organization. Such as personal life balance:

Individual has to adopt the organization policies and make their work timely scheduled this can balance their personal life.

They should focus on their health this can be achieved by sleeping on time and work according to their schedule.

They should make time for meeting their friends. Family comes next if the part of life which cannot be ignored so they have to look their family as well as work.(Jennifer, A., 2005)

Different people have different things these are spiritual dimension and its importance varies to the person, it should also be seen that how you see yourself in your life.

Recreation, hobbies and holidays these should be observed in the days in which you get off from office. (Abigail, G., 2004)

There are some barriers which come into and demolish whole balance between life and work.

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