Communication is a phenomenon inherent in the group relationship of living things by which they obtain information about their environment and other environments and are able to share it by involving other such information. Communication is of utmost importance for the survival of gregarious species because the information it obtains from its environment and its ability to transmit messages will be key to take advantage of herding lifestyle. In this paper, we will discuss the process of Work Group Communication in our financial institution and the issues group faces related to communication.
Communication Group Process
In the financial institute, the head of Research Department has to take care of 10 people, who are looking for different sectors individually, which sometimes creates issues for the individual as well as the group leader. Moreover, any new plan or project also create hassle and issues as it is done in hassle. The top management of the company do not have time to formulate a plan for the team that they could follow, which leads them to problems (D'Aprix, 1996).
The elements of group communication are: source, transmitter or encoder, code (rules of the sign, symbol), the primary message (under a code), receiver or cable box, channel, noise (barriers or interference) and the feedback or feedback ( feed-back, return message or post secondary).
Source: The place from which emanates the information, data , content to be sent, in conclusion, that gives rise to the primary message. Transmitter or encoder, is the point (person, organization ...) to choose and select the signs appropriate for their message, i.e. the encoding take so understandable to the receiver. On the transmitter starts the communication process.
Receiver or Decoder: This is the point (person, organization), which is intended message, performs an inverse process to the sender because it is the decoding and interpreting what the sender wants to publicize. There are two types of receptor, the person who is the only receives the message, and the active receiver or recipient as the person who not only gets the message but it receives and stores The message is received as the sender meant, in this type of receiver is performed what is commonly called the feed-back and feedback.
Message: The content of the information (content submitted): the set of ideas, feelings, events expressed by the sender and the recipient wishes to convey to be received in the manner desired ...