Word Problems

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Word Problems

Word Problems

Word Problems

Word problems are the tasks in which text is processed. Such tests are very popular with assessment companies in order to computational thinking and math skills. This is determined by the speed with which children can solve word problems. Many students have difficulty with word problems. The real difficulty is often not only the computation rather it is difficult to elementary students to read the text under time pressure and to understand the task (Abramson, 2010). This is often formulated, confusing and contains some words which are not suitable for children. For that reason, it is important for the children to read the instructions in order to learn many different expressions (Charlesworth, 2001). Only with the appropriate knowledge in these subjects, they can be able to solve the mathematical tasks that are word problems.

(a) Steps for Order of Operations

In order to solve word problems, it is important to consider the following steps, which include:

Read the text carefully first and make sure you understand the content. Take possibly the time to read the task more than once;

Pull the most important thing out of the text that is what is prescribed and what is being sought;

Think about your approach and write it up so that somebody else would understand, even a person who does not know you;

Perform the calculation;

Write down the answer in your head and write it down;

Finally, you should make sure that your solution is right.

(b) Discussion Memory Devices

After solving the task, I reread the task carefully and make sure that I have calculated what was asked or I have just done a sub-task and not the final solution. Besides it, I also conider the following points:

Highlight the question.

What is the problem that is being asked to solve?

Identifying every fact.

Eliminating pointless facts.

Listing ...
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