Women's Equality

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Women's Equality


The pictures Revue by Everett Shinn and Down at Jimmy Kellys by Reginald March are a masterpiece and a beautiful work of art. The pictures portray a strong emotion related to women's equality.

Biographies of the Artists

Everett Shin

American painter and graphic artist. Being an illustrator for the Philadelphia Press, befriended a group of artists inspired by Robert Henri and the move to New York in 1896, became a member of The Eight and the Ash-can School. Shinn was different from his friends in the choice of subjects, preferring scenes of theater and music hall to the imagery of suburban life. In 1911 he commissioned murals in the City of Trenton (New Jersey), and they first used the themes of Social Realism in the mural decoration of public buildings. He also decorated the interior part of the Belasco Theatre in New York. In addition, Shinn illustrated many books, wrote plays and worked as art director for the production of cartoons (Marsh, N.A).

Reginald Marsh

Reginald Marsh was born in Paris on March 14, 1898. In 1900, his parents, American artists, moved to Nutley, New Jersey, and then to New Rochelle, New York. Marsh studied Fine Arts at Yale University, where he drew illustrations for the magazine The Yale Record. After graduation in 1920, worked as a freelance cartoonist in New York. Between 1922 and 1925, Marsh drew sketches of urban issues and plays for the Daily News and designed theater sets and backdrops in New York and Provincetown, MA. He married Betty Burroughs sculptor in 1923. His first solo exhibition was held at the Whitney Studio Club in 1924. In 1925, Marsh was employed by the New Yorker, did freelance work for Esquire, Fortune and Life, and made the first of six trips to Europe. In 1927, he enrolled at the Art Students League ...
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