Women's Education

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Women's Education

Women's Education


Education has found to be the key for girls and women living under the poverty. It is a key for the brighter future and survival. Women education at all times has proved its significance and has help women to act on their vision of changing themselves and their communities. In contemporary feminism, a body of feminist literature was one of the most powerful and successful interventions. With the strengthening of the feminist movement, the women students demanded to set up courses which are women oriented. A college education had played an important role towards the career success and economic security for women. This essay will highlight the current scenario of what are the challenges that women faces in education.


One of the critical problems that women face in college and universities is the: Sexual Harassment”. Majority of college students especially the female students experience sexual harassment during their first year. Female students are often targeted of sexual jokes, gestures etc. In such circumstances women feel worried, confused and disappointed in their college experience. For example, women students are more likely to pay less attention during their classes as a result of harassment. More than 50% of the harassers' think that their acts are funny. Due to lack of women education, it is somehow observed that most victims of sexual harassment especially the women do not report to tell anyone about their experiences (www.aauw.org). The fundamental reasons could be fear of embarrassment, guilt etc. Therefore, it is had become dominant that due to lack of proper feminism this unwanted behavior is common in various academic institutions (books.google.com).

Modern societies are increasingly diverse cultural and religious, among other matters following the intensification of migratory movements. Citizens have higher expectations with respect to diverse schools that reflect their values and vision of the future as they deem desirable for the community or simply for their children. Faced with this growing pluralism, the actors in the world of education, practitioners, policymakers, researchers, face a double challenge that affects both teaching standards and management practices. Providing quality education without discrimination of any kind implies adopting an approach that considers the diversity of identities, needs and abilities of people, promoting full access, completion of studies and learning achievement of all, special attention to those who are at risk of social exclusion. On that basis recommended:

Promote mechanisms for consultation between different government sectors and civil society for discussion and monitoring of educational policies and to address the causes of inequality within and outside educational systems, providing additional resources and different for students in a situation or at risk of educational or social exclusion can, under equal conditions, educational opportunities.

Take educational measures to address diversity, such as intercultural education for all, gender education, diversification of educational opportunities, adaptation of curriculum, preparation of texts or images that do not contain stereotypes of any kind, extending the school day, and flexible school schedules and needs areas as, among others.

A nineteenth-century American female was first a daughter, frequently a sister, traditionally ...
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