Women Shelter Visit Report

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Women Shelter Visit Report

Women Shelter Visit Report


Health care setups are continuously increasing in number all over the world. With the increase in global population, diseases and illnesses are also increasing and these call for more institutes which can help the infected and affected. A health care setup is one which provides relief from diseases and medical ailments. A health care setup can either be specific to a certain disease or generalized to treat all forms of diseases and illnesses.

Health care setups around the world deploy different techniques to treat patients affected with different diseases and illnesses. Some institutes are built with the purpose of research and some are built with the purpose of treating a disease with high prevalence in the society (World Health Organization, 2003). Institutes built for the purpose of research mostly use observatory methods and focus more on observation and study of a certain disease whereas institutes built for the treatment of a high-prevalence disease or diseases usually focus on immediate treatment of diseases using available medicine and treatments (Bond & Bond, 1994).


Behavioural techniques

Health care institutes that focus on research and observations adopt certain techniques for the treatment of patients. One of these techniques is known as behavioural medicine. It is a field of medicine that relates to the integration of knowledge in behavioural, biological, social and psychological sciences towards health and medicine. Practice of behavioural medicine includes methods such as physiotherapy, hypnosis, psychophysiological therapies, biofeedback, rehabilitation and general psychiatry. Some experts also consider preventive medicine as an aspect of behavioural medicine (Lambert, Bergin & Garfield, 2004).

Behavioural medicine is mostly practiced by psychologists, nurses and physicians.

Cognitive-behavioural techniques

Also known as CBT, this form of medical therapy is a psychotherapeutic approach to medical treatment that focuses on the behaviour of a patient, the dysfunctional emotions and cognitions of the patient through systematic, goal-oriented processes (Hofmann, 2011). CBT is used for the effective treatment of conditions such as anxiety, mood swings, personality disorders, substance abuse, eating disorders and psychotic disorders.

Details of the hospital

For this paper, [Hospital A] was visited and their methods of treatment were observed. [Hospital A] is a combination of a general hospital and a women shelter. One wing of the institute is dedicated to the treatment of patients on a daily basis and the other wing is a shelter for women who suffer from psychiatric and other medical conditions. The hospital was established more than fifty years ago and has evolved since then into a quality medical care provider of the state. It is a recognized institute with some of the best doctors and medical practitioners from the country. The general hospital has an OPD and an In-patients department as well as a high-tech operation theatre. The hospital was built with the purpose of providing quality treatment to patients at affordable prices. This is the reason why the hospital offers discounted prices to patients unable to afford the high price of medical treatments.

Speech with the contact person about the programs

For this paper, the focus was more on ...
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