Women Rights In Afghanistan

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Women Rights in Afghanistan

Women Rights in Afghanistan

Article Analysis

Article #1

The first article analyzed for this research is Gender Role Attitudes: who supports Expanded Rights for Afghani Women written by Nicholas O. Alozie and Lynne L. Mangannaro in 2011. In this article, the authors have closely related the literature of this study with previous literature. Every argument is supported by claims of different authors. Hypotheses are also supported by the past literature. Moreover this is type of research which based on previous findings can provide effective results. The literature is recent as the authors have also used studies of 2010. The authors have not used any outdated references. In my opinion researchers have used valid and reliable references which highly support their study. The problem of the statement is easily understandable since it is stated in clear and precise words. The purpose of the study was to find difference in perception of gender role by Afghan male and females. The purpose is clearly stated and supported by the extended literature.

Researchers have effectively and clearly stated research straightforward and explicit language. More over they are easy to understand. These hypotheses are testable derived from the extant literature on gender role attitudes. The study includes both depended and independent variable which are clearly stated. The independent variables are gender coded 1 in case of man and 0 in case of women while the dependent variable is gender role attitude. The author has in detail and clearly stated the methodology of the study. The authors has used survey data from sample of 6,593 adult Afghans and used multivariate regression for the analysis. The sample was surveyed by Asia Foundation (Alozie & Mangannaro, 2011).

The sample was randomly selected but it the selection was effective as it appropriately represented entire population. The authors have connected the results of the study with literature review. Similarly, hypotheses, the results are also interpreted according to the hypotheses stated above in the study. Most references used in the study were current but the authors have also some old references. Moreover, the references are correctly arranged in alphabetic order. The researchers have also provided web links along with most references which makes them complete. The report is clearly written in easy and understandable language. The author has developed the questionnaire in three different languages since every member of target sample did not know English. It helped authors to obtain accurate results. The study findings have important implications for public policy designed to address role and plight of women and future of Afghanistan. Mass education of Afghan girls had significant implication for propagating future women leaders.

Article # 2

The second article reviewed is named as A Quick and Dirty Approach to Emancipation and Human Rights of Women written by SARI KOUVO in 2008. The author has closely related the previous literature to current study. For instance before making her argument, she staged two examples from current political context of Afghanistan. The review is recent; the author has ...
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