Women In Leadership Role

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Women in leadership role


In the leadership positions, women has created a gender gap under the qualified profession. The gender gap has spread out in many areas of the workplace including the educational sector. Under the acceptance of the male dominant society, it is believed that only men are considered as good leaders than women. Therefore, it has become difficult for women to access easily as the leaders in the corporate world because they are not supposed to fit the norm. As women are considered as an emotional in nature, they face hurdles and give up sometimes due to overwhelmed in dealing the obstacles.




The Issue of Gender and Leadership2

Skills for leadership in Women6

Why Women are great leaders7

Lead instead of ordering7

Communicate effectively8

Leading with empathy8





The capability of women to be managers and leaders is greatly undermined by the social and cultural stereotypes which are deeply rooted and firmly entrenched in society. Feminism and human rights' bill are, however, important tools that have had a positive impact on such stereotypes, even though challenges to women's ability to lead and to manage are universal and firmly entrenched in most societies around the world (Roberts 2007).

This paper will shed light on the challenges which are commonly faced by women in leadership positions, and this will be done through a careful and meticulous review of existing literature on the subject. Moreover, the hurdles and impediments that are faced by women from different spheres of life in dealing with gender bias and various other issues shall be discussed through this paper, and it is hoped that it will serve as a useful addition to the abundant literature which already exists on the subject. In addition, this paper will take into account women in different leadership roles, and will also speak about the background and history of the challenges which have been faced by women in leadership positions, looking at women from various cultures and backgrounds, and the impediments and issues faced by them in varying roles of leadership.


In order to be successful personally as well as professionally, it is imperative that one has the ability to effectively communicate with people, although at times, due to the communication skills, women tend to undermine themselves. Social conditioning is responsible for the variation in the way women and men communicate. “Girlish” behavior can be unlearnt by comprehending such social conditioning's impact and its implications on workplaces, through which women could become power communicators (Eriksen, 2012).

From the beginning, women have been believed to undergo certain behavioral types. For example, ladies have been stereotyped to be involved in arguing, displaying anger and cursing, although such women are raised to grow up to be docile, cooperative and polite. Women traditionally, have been encouraged to be polite and to speak in a low voice, and to be gentle.

Thus, women tend to find it harder to forcefully express themselves, and to impose themselves as opposed to men, who are better equipped at forcefully expressing themselves, and this differentiation between sexes can be traced ...
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