Women In Business

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Women in Business


Women in all careers are striving to gain equality in work force today, and female television news anchors are definitely part of fight. The road to television news anchoring is the rocky one, where only the few women survive and many fail. Where progress was once thought to have been made, there aren't many females getting ahead in world of television news. Today, there is the very slow, if any, gain in numbers of women who succeed. There are many questions surrounding subject of women in television news, and I will attempt to answer relevant ones in this paper. How have women that actually make it to top and succeed as anchorwomen, done it? What does it take to make it? Why do those couple of endure it/enjoy it? Why has it been and still is tough for women? What are expectations of women in field, as opposed to expectations of men?

I am interested in this topic because I once aspired to become the television broadcaster. I still have inspiration in me, but not quite as much due to negative and discouraging aspects I have heard about in classes and in media. I am not sure that I could be happy in the career such as this, and I know there are great difficulties in 'making it' in this profession. I have read about incredible ambition of successful females in television news, and it seems like it takes the special kind of passion to want to keep up in business.

Ikept my inquiries in brain when gathering study material. While focusing on key questions, I was able to find information that led me to form answers to them. Christine Craft's biography told of her individual experience of being fired on basis of her looks and her age. I realized from reading her story that she had the 'nose for news', the passion for telling it to world, and the unique spark that made her the good journalist, yet those qualities weren't enough in her case. She took that passion and spark, filed the sexual discrimination case and won. Hard News: Women in Broadcast Journalism had the few chapters that were relevant to today, and I could draw on some information for my paper.

It isn't the proven fact that every case of the woman getting fired from their professions was fired because of their age. The number of women report anchors is scarce. Only the few succeed, and reason for this is because what is expected of them is much greater than what is expected of men. Women should work two times as hard, be two times as beautiful, and proceed overhead and after their abilities. The television broadcasting business is dominated by males, and, in turn, males have majority of power. Positive steps have been taken by women, but they are still far from being equal in field. Advances are not being made quickly. Some men in world of television news say that women do have the ...
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