Women During The Progressive Era 1900-1917

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Women during the Progressive Era 1900-1917

Women during the Progressive Era 1900-1917


The period between 1900 and 1917 is considered as progressive era, because it brought reforms in politics, society and economics of United States. The country adopted the policies which could help the individuals in regulating their behaviors (Buenker, et.al, 1986). In addition to the political and economic reform, this era is also known for improving the conditions of women. Many progressive women reevaluated the customs and attitudes of the society towards them, during this period. This essay describes the role of women in the progressive era and the rights which they got as a result.


The progressive era brought atmospheres of reforms, which in turn gave birth to changing life styles, and most importantly, the new employment opportunities. The broadening of job market was the main reason which initiated the women movement. The women figured out that they could very easily got jobs of clerks and Sales women. The women who belonged from middle class were able to enjoy more leisure time as a result of mass production and household conveniences. The education opportunities for women were also enhanced and the number of graduate women dramatically rose.

Despite of all the new opportunities, the women of progressive era found them in a difficult situation as the society was still male dominated. In most of the States, married women were not allowed to make nay contract without the consents of their husbands; similarly, many states did not allow the women to cast their vote. The society generally believed that women were emotionally and politically inferior to men; and hence they could not be given the same rights which the men had. Before the Civil law, majority of the families believed that women should spend their time in the household chores and upbringing their children. By the end of nineteenth and beginning of twentieth century, women became visible in the workforce but the workplace environment and violence is simply intolerable due to the male dominance. Most of the women were employed as household servants, even if they were capable of performing high level tasks. Such discriminations caused extreme frustration in women.

In order to get their fundamental rights, some women took the stand. They employed radical tactics, in order to draw the attention of authorities toward very serious causes, and to resolve their issues (Haman, 2009). The women got the right of vote ...