Women Career In U.S.

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Women career in U.S.

Women career in U.S.


Higher education in America has been the factor that has driven the development country's progress in recent decades and especially since it has mainly in research centers and universities. It showed great importance in the development of this work by the performance that American woman has had on science and has led too much of its participation in higher education and their subsequent entry into the academic profession like teaching and researcher as full time. Undeniably, the role that women play in the development of society and no one in U.S. is unknown history of struggle that American women have faced to achieve a place in education in general and higher education in a special way. Another relevant is the question of the so-called double burden that culturally American women have to face because society assigns roles associated with women, which must simultaneously develop their work in the productive, as they are their role provider, wife, mother and homemaker and their responsibilities to their parents (Baughman, 2001).


This paper describes the role that women played not only academic in the classroom as a teacher but mainly in the areas of research and consequently the production of knowledge in this context. Differences are obvious and important about the opposite sex, however, but no cause for this analysis, it would be desirable if they were served by the public and institutional policies to promote greater equality between women and men in science.

Increased Participation

The increased participation of women in higher education came to radically change the university environment. According to Vargas (2002), when I was a college student in the mid-seventies, when I accompanied my friends who studied engineering at UNAM found in the halls, laboratories and workshops to a woman was strange, not went unnoticed, was like finding a rice beans. Even the gradual change in the composition of the university student population, forcing many institutions to carry out changes in its facilities since the beginning of the decade of the nineties, as in the classroom buildings had more bathrooms than men's, which had to be modified to provide more spaces for women who had to travel several floors and corridors to find a toilet for them.

But the arrival of women to higher education has meant a culture shock not only for male students, but especially for teachers, particularly in the areas of science such as physics, mathematics or engineering, which still, unfortunately abound attitudes of contempt ...
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