Women By Alice Walker

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Women by Alice Walker

In the literary world, there are as many different writers, horror, romance, mystery, and a man who through personal experience of Alice Walker, the authors write. Although most critics categorize her writing as feminist, Walker himself "Womanist", that "a woman who loves other women as defined and described as ... appreciate the culture of women, women's emotional flexibility ... feeling like .. . women's power and love ... He loves anything. "Walker thoughts and feelings reflected in his works of poetry and fiction Alice Walker written by his feelings and habits, he grew up., writes about the struggle black women spiritual and enforcement of gender equality to political and ethnic lines. (Thomas 2010)

Most of the imagination is informed of his experience in southern Walker. Milledgeville, Georgia, rural village, where most worked as tenant, was born black. In the eight years he was blind in his right eye when his older brother accidentally BB gun, after which it fell into a depression with a low shot. It is separated from other children, and she said .. "Now I was a child I feel old, but because I felt it was unpleasant to watch, embarrassing as I thought M only, and stories to read and write poems. Ideas" in 1961, Walker of Atlanta, where he joined the movement civil rights and won a scholarship to attend Spelman College, to sit in the business of local institutions. Bronxville, New York went to Sarah Lawrence College and graduated there in 1965. This is my future husband Melvyn Leventhal, a Jew from Mississippi, where he was a civil rights activist lawyer and met with teachers. In 1967 Walker and Leventhal married, becoming the first interracial couple in Jackson, lives in the capital, have a son after a year they married, the name of Rebecca. They divorced in 1976. Since then, Walker has focused more on his writing and teaching in various colleges and universities. (Frye 1983)

Walker Black women in America is one of the most prolific writers. His work is always racial issues, black women struggling to survive, especially sexual and political, to show their concern. She explains: "A black woman is one of the greatest heroes of America's credit is not enough black women black woman who was tortured beyond recognition because of its most widely read novels in America today, resulting in yields? .. "Walker was invited" to date, the third ...
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