Women And Workplace Flexibility

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Women and Flexibility in the Workplace

Women and Flexibility in the Workplace


Flexibility is the way for women to work more for hours to complete their projects at work. It defines their customized schedules for job. Flexibility at the work place is merely essential part today for women considering their productivity and intelligence. American workers continue to sense the problem of time limitation among their families and personal life. Large share of US employs feels that they are entitle to have greater flexibility in their appropriate work place so that they can more easily take better care of their families.


Professional is certainly skeptical about granting work force flexibility because they fear that employees will take undue advantage of the facility offered to them. On the contrary most employees use work force flexibility more conservatively. Women in particular are more satisfied than men when management allows flexible work hours because they then get time to take good care of their children while managing their work. In recent years, researches have determined the time strains that disturb psychological well being of females who are looking after their families. Women, particularly unmarried mothers, face a lot of challenges while working with men in various organizations. Workplace evaluations, for example, seem to hold mothers to higher standards (in terms of commitment to work, punctuality, and competence) than they hold their childless counterparts (Aumann & Galinsky, 2009).

Access to Flexibility makes a Difference in the Workplace

Workplace flexibility is a great tool to motivate employees for their good work and performances. The overall usage of flexibility is marked modest by many behavioral researchers. The individual job outcome or performance is highly co related to the range of flexibility allowed by the employer to the employee. Work place flexibility in women works like an insurance policy since it can be used at times of need. Leverage at the work place generally has a significant impact on the following areas:

Job Engagement

Job Satisfaction


Job Engagement

Employers have deep concerns regarding the job easement of their employees. Employers are more conscious about the job engagement when it comes to females. Job engagement is a core function for business productivity and business success. Therefore, it is important to identify factors through which employer can increase the proportion of job engagement among employees. Flexibility and job employment are directly proportional to the each other. It concludes that attainment of outstanding job engagement is due to the more flexibility provided to employees in the long run.

Job Satisfaction

Another important area of concern for the employer is related to the issue regarding job satisfaction. Satisfaction from what one does is essential and important part of organization because it directly disturbs the levels of productivity. Studies indicate that 60 percent of employees with access to flexibility are satisfied with their job. Out of which 87 percent of the women are highly contended and satisfied because of the flexibility allowed by their supervisors.


Lastly, retention ratio is simply increased by organizations that are practicing flexibility in their work ...
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