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Volkswagen of not using a generic B2B e-marketplace with even more suppliers


Automobiles are the most challenging and most complex industrial products, developed in the world are produced and traded. Volkswagen is a high-tech company that thrives on the achievements of its engineers and the skills of its skilled workers. In a vehicle such as the Gulf lies the accumulated knowledge and experience of several generations of specialists. These have made him over the years, the most successful car in the world. Without extremely capable and well qualified staff Volkswagen had no future.

When Volkswagen is not using the B2b e-marketplace then it has to invest not only continually in new processes, machines and products. In the same extent, education and training of employees should be encouraged. Global challenges such as climate change and scarcity of resources require economic solutions that go beyond the usual boundaries between different sectors of business. Volkswagen continuously explores new challenges and subjects them to a comprehensive analysis process. Thus we get when it has not implemented the B2B e-marketplace with more suppliers.


Constant changes in customer expectations and economic conditions make it necessary for Volkswagen to make sales channels active and optimize the distribution structures and processes continuously. Volkswagen Group is increasing the profitability along the entire distribution chain. Strategic goal of the Volkswagen Group to further develop a flexible multi-channel management, which is opening up innovative distribution channels, brand positions and strengthen the brand attractiveness increases as well as customer satisfaction. The multi-channel strategy for each brand is designed differently - depending on their specific customer groups and market segments. It moves, but always within our defined group objectives.

The Volkswagen Group has set itself the goal of identifying the performance and learning potential of every employee to maintain and promote in accordance with corporate strategy and the personal development potential. The staff development measures range from seminars in automotive and automation technology, IT, quality management and productivity of most development programs for the Volkswagen brand to the interdisciplinary training on topics such as self-management and communication. In addition, the daughters Volkswagen Coaching GmbH, the Audi and Volkswagen Academy Training Institute GmbH, a wide range of different seminars. For this purpose such as those among personnel management and leadership skills as well as international development programs. Volkswagen Coaching GmbH is one of the largest providers of vocational education and training in Germany for the Volkswagen Group and on the open market.

Volkswagen needs a new part design

In 1930 Ferdinand Porsche set up a company of automotive design which was called Porsche Buro. The company brought an innovation in the car with independent suspension system at the front that possessed of transversely mounted torsion bars, which was linked to the trailing arms on each of the side. The suspension was much lighter as compared with the suspension of cars manufactured by other car manufacturers of that time. In the year 1933, Hitler met with Ferdinand and told him to design a Volkswagen that was the innovative ...