Witness For The Prosecution

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Witness for the Prosecution

Witness for the Prosecution:

Why has discretion caused such troubling within our criminal justice system today? In the movie, “Witness for the Prosecution,” Agatha Christie, recognized as a remarkable and phenomenal English crime fiction writer, demonstrated how powerful the court and the legal system can be in our society today. Sir Wilfrid, noted as one of the best lawyers during the movie, defended Leonard Vole from being accused of murdering a wealthy rich woman Mrs. French on the night of October 14th in London, England. Christine Helm, who lied to his husband that they were legally married and was noted as a witness for the prosecution, testified during his trial that Vole had murdered Mrs. French for financial gain and nothing else. As a client of Wilfrid, Vole became furious when Helm lied under oath and committed perjury by making a story up that he had killed Mrs. French.

This story made by Helm was later proven to be untrue when Wilfrid purchased letters from a mysterious woman that provided significant evidence that Vole was in fact innocent. As soon as Wilfrid convicted Helm for perjury and Vole was released of his charges, Christine told the flamboyant defense attorney Wilfrid that Vole was actually guilty - that he had in fact murdered Mrs. French, and that Helm had played the mind of Wilfrid to get Vole out of jail because how much she had loved him. Helm, who was known in the movie to be a superb ex-actress, mentioned that the letters Wilfrid obtained from the mysterious woman was actually from her, and that she had played the part of the mysterious woman so well that Wilfrid didn't even recognized that it was the face of Helm. The movie concluded when Helm and Vole successfully escapes from imprisonment by murdering Mrs. French for her fortune; however, the mood quickly switched from great joy to great deception when it was learned that Vole had another girlfriend at the time of his trial, and that they were going to use the money they've earned to go on a vacation away from London and from Helm after the murder of Mrs. French. Helm soon became furious because of how much she trusted and sacrificed all her life away for him, and how Vole would betray her after all what she had done for him during his trial. Helm knew that she was ...
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