Wit: Vivian Emotional Healing

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Wit: Vivian Emotional Healing

Wit: Vivian Emotional Healing

Margaret Edison's contemporary play Wit deals with the reality of our being in how it can bring on major life alterations almost immediately? which is then followed by a transformed person. Whether the personality of the individual is changed for the better or the worst? there is no denial that we all can be affected by life's circumstances? which in this particular case is the disease of cancer. The style Edison brings to her play is unique and calls to our attention certain situations considered to be particularly important. Change can occur at any moment in life and in any form? suddenly or slowly; whatever the state of affairs? life is full of constant transformation.Immediately form the beginning we can draw the conclusion that one of the major themes Edison is portraying is life-altering affairs. We learn along with the main character? Vivian Bearing? that she has a destructive form of ovarian cancer? and like all forms of cancer? there is no for sure cure. She is presented with the choice to undergo an experimental drug that is told from the start can have severe side effects? especially if taken in full doses? which Vivian insists she can bear. Her treatment calls for eight months of being held property of the hospital. Here we see an individual who is use to being on her own to now someone who must answer to another. Not only is there a physical change? her hair begins to fall out? but there are also occurrences where her very being is being altered.

Followed by the awareness of her disease? Ms. Bearing then has an encounter with one of her former students? who is now above her? and considered one of her primary care givers. Vivian is then put through a series of personal questions followed by a very physical exam? which she later describes as "degrading" and makes the comment "I am learning to suffer" (987). She herself makes the reference that the teacher has now become the student and the student the teacher. It's quite ironic given the personality of Professor? or should I say Doctor Bearing? she is a person of such high standing in the academic world? but here? as a patient? she is not being treated with the respect and admiration that she is normally entitled to? rather she is the person rendering respect. It is because of the honor she holds that I get the impression that she thinks of herself as somewhat better than the staff of the hospital or tries to think of herself as equals with her doctors only later coming to realization that she is on a very different level.

We see a moment in the play when Ms. Bearing mentions how she was once inhumane as an instructor? but now realizes she was wrong in being so "the senior scholar [referring to herself] ruthlessly denied her simpering students the touch of human kindness she now seeks" ...
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