Wishes For Sons By Lucille Clifton

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Wishes for Sons by Lucille Clifton


For this paper, we shall pave way for making analysis of the poem 'Wishes for Sons' by Lucille Clifton. To make a brief understanding, the poem embodies the kind of problems and casualties women have to face while living in a society and the pressures under which they live in.

Thesis Statement

The thesis statement that drives tailoring this paper shall be “Reputation and position of women in the world today.”

Gloss of Poem

“I wish them cramps

I wish them a strange town

And the last tampon

I wish them no 7-11”

For the poem that we are discussing, one keenly and clearly identify that these poems had been intended for the lessening to stressors and stressful pressures that women had to face at the time (Smith, pp.153). Unfortunately the situation still persists till date; women will go up to any extent and giving themselves up in the name of plastic surgery, Botox and collagen in order to bring forth their best appearance and just to hear only a few words of appreciation. Lipstick, perhaps the most sexualized and intimate item of cosmetic for women, attempts to aim young girls that they will be evaluated for their physical appearance (Al-Hassani & Saoud, pp. 38).

Analysis of the poem

As one can easily excerpt of the verses that have been given from the poem, Clifton displays a rather moral support for the women, particularly the ones who have paved way for the purpose and objective of struggle and strive undertaken in the name of independence (Exton, pp.369). During that time, all the adversities and problems faced by women and the ones that have suffered in order to create and maintain a reputation in the society have been highly acknowledged by Clifton through her work, narrating the kind of efforts women make to stay and survive in the society (Al-Hassani & Saoud, pp. 38).

“Let the flashes come

When they meet someone special”

With man as the primary source and soul of the establishment of a particular household, women have to make sacrifices throughout their entire lives, giving up their own aspirations and undertakings for the purpose and objective of making their family, relatives, associates and ultimately the entire society a better place to live (Exton, pp.369). With the concept of a 'Barbie doll', Clifton has made it evident in her work that although women are truly beautiful as they have been made, but thanks to the social pressures, needs, wants and demands of the family, maintaining a poised and respectable gesture at all times for all to see and impressing all the people around them (Smith, pp.153).


Generally entitled and referred to as the inferior or weaker sex, women have been generally associated as more vulnerable in comparison to men; however it must be acknowledged that women are much more emotionally strong and are much more sound when it comes to giving out their love and affection to someone (Al-Hassani & Saoud, pp. 38).

This, unfortunately, marks the beginning of depression; denial and self-deceit for all women ...
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