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Wisdom Of Solomon

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Wisdom of Solomon

Wisdom of Solomon


Since ancient times, many people strived to grapple with the wisdom associated with the Bible. The fact that these discussions continue to persist pauses any attempts made for the contribution to the ever widening series of debates. The Wisdom of Solomon also referred to as the Wisdom is the book of Jewish Wisdom which primarily concerns with the teaching of immortality pathway, the benefits associated with the acquisition of wisdom and the righteous deeds. While the authorial integrity has being regarded as problematic with the modern presumptions, these practices of authorial self-effacements and the pseudonymous attributions were pervasive.

Wisdom of Solomon was a Apocrypha writing which was considered as an acquainted genre of the ancient times. The author of the Wisdom Solomon is believed to be an anonymous person seeking the adoption Solomon persona as this books presents itself as a book of King Solomon written instructions. The author of this book believed to be an Alexandrian Jew, secured the status of authority through his/her ascription to an honored past figure by writing under the King Solomon pseudonym. King Solomon is not only regarded as a wise king from the period of monarchy in Israel; the figure of Solomon went through the transformation resulting into an exemplary and virtuous paragon through the Wisdom of Solomon, the figure who has successfully achieved perfection and immortality. This book is believed to be the literary work with Greek origination between the 100 B.C and A.D. 50. However, it is difficult to identify with authenticity the date of composition of this book. The reasonable setting for the composition of this literary work has been persuasively agued to be the Gaius Caligula.



The terminology of wisdom refers to the ability to succeed, ability required in formation of plans for the achievement of desired results and the set of principles which contributes to the success of a person in a specific endeavor. Therefore, the achievement of the particular goals can be considered as a significant wisdom aspect. The examples of biblical wisdom involved various common elements related to the achievement of goal e.g. the skillfulness of an artisan to accomplish the given plan, sailors who are able to navigate their ships to the desired location successfully are wise and the inability of an embryo to navigate its way out of the womb of a woman at an appropriate time is considered as unwise (Hos. 13:13).

The wisdom is not always associated with the moral dimensions as in the description of people who are wise in creating idols and some people who are skilled (Isa 40:20) or wise in the divination or magic (Jer 10:6). Many biblical passages imply that the wisdom as a gift from God.

Pseudonymity in Wisdom

Many of the scholarships that are being written on the topic of wisdom have highlighted and elaborated the relation between the Judaism and Hellinism found in the text and several studies have approached the concept of wisdom from the position of influence of Hellinism on the ...
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