Wireless Network Infrastructure

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Implementation Plan for Wireless Technology Infrastructure



Core benefits2

Operational business benefits3

Resource Schedule3

Issues to be addressed before implementation4

Essential Steps for successful Implementation of wireless technology infrastructure5

Cost cutting edge of wireless technology infrastructure6

Management concerns for wireless network implementation7

Multiple devices7

Information delivery8

Fluctuations in coverage8

Portability of the application8

Ease of security and security8

Risk mitigation strategy9



Implementation Plan for Wireless Technology Infrastructure


Today's modern businesses are focusing on implementing a successful wireless data solution for their mobile users and for their workers to order to stay competitive and efficient in the atmosphere. Implementation is referred to the actual realization of any strategy, policy, idea, design, and model or of a prototype. With reference to project management Implementation strategy is the successful execution of a system or a strategy. It requires a large number of integrated activities to be executed successfully. Workforce today is increasingly getting mobile, which provoke the need of mobile organizational workers and clients that can stay in communication with the company for fast and efficient operations. For this purpose, many internet solution providing corporations are offering, designing and installing wireless organizational infrastructure for communicational operations so that an organization can extract more from their investments as after installing the wireless technological infrastructure in the company they would be able to increase their worker's efficiency and productivity, curtailing their cost, saving time due to fast operations, efficient customer relationship management and removing duplicate tasks and proving online revenue earning opportunities. (Nettech Systems, 1999 p.1).

This report is prepared to give the project manager with the guidelines and steps to implement a wireless solution efficiently. Implementation of a Wireless technology infrastructure in a company can be a challenge as the complete expertise and information have not been explored yet and even after installation it requires a constant monitoring and updating the system and even more expertise in technology to deal with the challenges. Development of a wireless infrastructure of an organization is simply far more than developing computer software

or a mobile application. It is an absolutely new paradigm of network development and global

communication. (Nettech Systems, 1999 p.1).


Unlike a traditional networking environment, a wireless infrastructure is designed to cater and satisfy the users even in the harshest environments covering the extremes of uncertain conditions to the bad weathers. It should also be capable to address the particular and unique needs of the mobile workers, customers and other users availing services of wireless technology foundation of that business. (Nettech Systems 1999, p.1). Users may want to use the system and different services even when they are out of the organizational premises and want data to be synchronized so that they can execute the operations smoothly.

Cost and time based benefits of wireless technology

Since IT, industry is highly time and cost sensitive the core benefits also relate to these two areas. (Gupta 2007, p.2).

Core benefits

It includes improvement in employee productivity.

Improves the utilization and availability of resources.

Efficient business operations.

Optimization in business applications.

Greater potential to accept new business opportunities and function efficiently.

Greater data availability and ...
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