Wine Region

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Wine Region Comparison task

Wine Region Comparison task


This paper will discuss the regional variation's impact on the style of wines. The region that has been selected for the research is “Rhone-North”. This paper will discuss the detailed background of regional differences and their impact on the wine style. Moreover, the theoretical concepts regarding this research will be discussed as well. The role of the climate is also highlighted in this paper. Apart from that it has been discussed that how wine presents as a result of the regional differences (Cannavan, 2012). An in depth discussion in this regard has been conducted to better understand the theoretical concepts of the topic.


Wine is an intoxicating drink obtained by the fermentation of grape. In Europe, according to the legal meaning, the wine is the produce obtained solely by alcoholic fermentation entirety or fractional, of grapes costs, whether or not crushed. The wine is feeling the effects of climate change Signs of climate change are evident in the world, but for French winemakers who already under the mass competition from other countries, a year of marked climatic fluctuations is not auspicious. Heavy rainfall, a late spring and the absence of a marked led to an early harvest, the sweet grapes and low acid. In other words, the wine is rich in alcohol and more fruity taste, but sweeter, lack of acidity is not sufficient to balance the character of the wine. Climatic fluctuations have affected the delicate balance of weather, soil and other factors critical to the wine production (Gibson, 2011). If nothing is done to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the vines will travel 1,000 km beyond their traditional limits by the end of the century, threatening the wine industry.

Already it has become more difficult to produce good wines from pinot noir in its traditional territory of Burgundy. But the effects of climate change on crops of wine are also visible in the world. Professor Gregory Jones, a climatologist at Southern Oregon University, the United States, believes that the changing environment begins to disrupt critical systems to the European wine industry for centuries. He explains that “Europe is in regional identities based on varieties of wines and their unique styles. Those with the capacity to adapt to climate change will be better able to adapt to different climates of the future. “But the wine regions can adapt and cope with the challenge of global warming by adopting different techniques, including the planting of vines in shallow soil to reduce water consumption, the introduction of a controlled irrigation and protection grapes from the sun. More drastic measures include large-scale industrial processes, such as removing alcohol, widely used in the wine regions of Australia, Spain and South Africa (Iland, 2009).

Moreover, according to the warnings of Professor Jones' Climatic fluctuations of more than two or three times the usual conditions could jeopardize the system of French winemaking. France has a long and rich history of wine ...
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