Will Syria's People Be Able To Overthrow Their Dictator?

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Will Syria's People Be Able to Overthrow Their Dictator?


Since a long time, Syria has been struggling with various constant challenges which lead to many issues in the Arab autocracies. Syria has been a subject of war for years. United Nations have estimated millions of dead and displaced. Safety continues to take priority over religion in much of Syria. People are not secure in Syria which compelled them to raise their voice against the dictatorship.

Will Syria's People Be Able to Overthrow Their Dictator?


Syria has faced many controversies and issues regarding the political instability. These challenges have compelled people to protest and step up against the injustice through various perspectives. The opposition from people against its dictators is not a new concern in the history of Syria. This paper discusses the various problems faced by people of Syria due to its dictators and chances to overthrow the dictator from power. People have been showing hatred towards its current dictator Bashar Al-Assad in various aspects. This is due to the mismanagement and monarchy system which has led to poor conditions of Syria.


Figure: Syria & Neighbors

Source: http://www.wdsu.com/image/view/-/10621284/medRes/2/-/maxh/460/maxw/620/-/15mejgs/-/Syria-map-jpg.jpg

Since a long time, Syria has been struggling with various constant challenges which lead to many issues in the Arab autocracies. This included high unemployment, heavy inflation and limited amount of mobility with the region, political conflicts and repressive forces of security. The said factors gave a rise to the opposition of Syria's government. This was been heavily ruled by the Renaissance party from the year 1963 and further more with Al Assad family from the year 1970.

Figure: Refugees from Syria

Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/03/06/world/meast/syria-civil-war

Economic liberalization in Syria is limited, with industry still heavily state-controlled. This implies the entire control of dictators over the resources and allocation of funds to various industries. The dictators of Syria were not able to hold the control of such resources and divert them towards their own personal interest. This forces people to consider the economic liberty as their right and attempts to overthrow the current dictator. Further problems arise due to various tensions and substantial conflicts such as autocratic and liberal government. Therefore, it can be stated that the economy had impacts due to such disputes within Syria.

Syria has been a subject of war for years. United Nations have estimated millions of dead and displaced. Safety continues to take priority over religion in much of Syria. People are not secure in Syria in terms of assaults, properties, religious practices, and other aspects. Thus, they are now inclined towards security and safety rather than religion. This is caused by the negligence of dictators that such circumstances prevail in Syria. People endeavors to overthrow its dictator from power for prosperity in the near future. Another significant issue experience in Syria is the Shia Sunni conflicts which are creating safety concerns for public.

Figure: Syrian Refugee Flood

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees

Syria's condition is influencing the economy of surrounding countries. The people irritated by the condition of Syria are migrating to other countries and finding ...