Will Dockers® Be Successful?

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Will Dockers® be successful?

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Will Dockers® be successful

Dockers are a brand recognizable in the whole wide world. There is no individual who wouldn't be adept to associate rightly the title with the product. LS&Co has organised to conceive certain thing timeless, just like their academic 501 azure jeans.

Although their branding message was altering slightly throughout the time, they kept centre values and customs untouched. Comfort, uniqueness, value and emotional impact - these were always the major associations with the brand. However, other characteristics were being emphasized as time was going by.

First connotations were easy: “jeans are strong and rugged as men who wear them”. This image of a 100% man was even reinforced after western videos appeared. Soon jeans, and so Dockers® brand which in people's mind turned to be their synonymous, became a symbol of freedom, adventure and independence. In this instant, managers of LS&Co determined to elaborate the brand. Even though there where diverse new pieces of cloth presented to the market - 501 casual trousers remained their top-selling product. It was their new brand strategy to “offer products for every life style”, which turned to be a fiasco. Not only it didn't bring expected results, what is more, this to big diversification caused drops in sales. It was so decided to come back to the core product and its image. To strengthen the Dockers position on a market, their launched a new campaign which emphasizes emotional connection between jeans and theirs owner.

Levi's brand value is seen when it expanded to Levi's Dockers which proved to be a success.

Brand Loyalty is the degree to which the emblem is preferred and selected over its competitors.

Basically, in the primary stage of commencing Levi's casual trousers, there were no alternate goods and competitors, which interpret why the purchasing demeanour is very powerful all through the 1900s. Thus, Levi's really enjoyed the prestige of profiting 100% customer commitment, with furthermore the help of the overhead constituents of emblem equity which assisted to its success.

The role of Levi's flagship 501 casual trousers really directed to the line elongation of more new products. And the success of 501 lead to the formation of subsidiary and globalization of Dockers worldwide. Levi's 501 casual trousers were able to maintain as the top selling casual trousers till 1979 which contributed to the success.

Contradictorily, due to the over whelming achievement of Levi's ...