Wildlife Management

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Wildlife Management


The environmental condition of our planet is in peril. Many times conflicts related to resource allocation arise because of control and access over natural resource such as water, land, from a well or stream or the products of lake or forest. These conflicts results in resource not handled in sustainable or productive. We have this in mind that conflicts are always negative, but conflicts can be used positively; can make problems in the light, which in turn may provide an opportunity to resolve grievances, to develop goals and ways to achieve these goals that are acceptable to all (Bolen, 7). In this paper, we are going to discuss resource conflict, their philosophies and management plan for resolving the conflict.


Each individual or groups have different type or levels of power over control and access of resource. Some may have very huge power and some may have very little power. Governments also face conflicts of interest. The Departments of Agriculture, Water and Forestry at times seems to me not being on the same team when discussing the use of resources. Most of the departments or ministries are underfunded, so the lack of personnel and resources could increase tension.

Different philosophical methods can be presented to resolve the conflicts of resource allocation. These philosophies influence the decision in two ways a) how decisions are made and which decisions are framed. When authorities respond to resource allocation conflict, it becomes difficult for them to identify and prioritize a responsibility or primary fiduciary duty. The philosophy chosen by me focus on the replacement of limited resources, harmful to the environment, other "Green" and abundant, present with the same frequency in the natural cycle of elements. As part of a philosophy "of the source to the source" is to redefine the industrial flow industrialists materials to coincide with natural cycles and finished products and the waste can be used for new products (Caughley, 31). The concept of substitution Resources include the use of mate- biodegradable materials and thus manifests itself by the use of plastic com- potables in the manufacture of furniture. Some thoughtful persons have taken encouraging steps toward a healthy future for all life on Earth. Resource conflict philosophy is similar to resource philosophy in a way that resource philosophy is in favor of encouraging people to take steps towards a healthy future while conflict theory is also similar to it because it also talks ...
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