Why Is Religious Studies Not Offered In Public School?

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Why is religious studies not offered in public school?


In this paper we have studied the facts and figures regarding why the religious students are not offered in public schools. The theories that we have learnt in this paper are not just sentences to read, but they have practical application in our life. The two theories that this paper will focus on are, Theory of Oppression and the Theory of Feminism. The articles presented below depict the practical side of these theories. The paper will discuss these practical sides keeping in view the notion of religious education in the public schools in the United States of America. The question is whether religious education be taught in the public schools of America.


Several researches show that the Poles to accept the presence of religious instruction in schools. CBOS shows that 72% respondents favor the teaching of religion in public education institutions, while in 1991, supporters of religious education was about 50%, which proved that there was a concern that children of families of other faiths will be discriminated against.


Religion and Public Schools by Edwin C. Darden

Every year the number of students drops studying Religion in public school, so it has become more evident the debate on secularism in education. Social organizations like secular Europe argue that the school should be scrupulously with the principle of secularism or neutrality for free and full development of human personality. On the opposite side, the hierarchy of the view that it is the parents who want their children to receive Catholic Religion and Morality in school and that this is not secular or Christian. It is the people and the parental choice should be respected (Darden, 2006).

Public schools may not lead students in prayer as established by the Supreme Court in 1962 with its decision in Angel v. Vitale. However it is a time for a moment of silence to allow Schools for offering religious students. In 2002, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals declared in violation of the phrase "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, the rule against school prayer, but the Supreme Court lifted later this decision. In addition, students can gather to pray with the intention of prayer but to school-wide events such as football games and promotions should not lead (Darden, 2006).


Gender Discrimination by Bernard L. Crawford

The problem of gender discrimination has been prevailing not only in the United States, but it has been observed globally. The problem is so much widespread, that every woman has experienced gender discrimination at some point in time. Women have been discriminated in the workplace. It has been observed that in United States, a woman possessing the same skills would get paid less than the man. This is pure discrimination on the basis of gender. They also face discrimination in the academic arena. Women have been placed at homes just to do simple works at home. The man has always been attributed with bravery and heroism, while females are associated with simple household ...
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