Why Is Parental Involvement Important For School Administrators?

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Why is Parental Involvement Important for School Administrators?


This research paper entails detailed research on the importance of parental involvement in school administration. This paper explains benefits schools administration can have by parental involvement, what are the barriers that hurdle in involvement, and strategies that can be beneficial for initiating and enhancing involvement.

Table of Content




Benefits of Parental Involvement5

Barriers to Parental Involvement10

Strategies to Built Better Relation13



Why is Parental Involvement Important for School Administrators?


Involvement of parents with school has taken an imperative place in becoming an education concern since in 1980s. Now the major concern of the country is providing the quality education. States are playing an essential role in maintaining and monitoring of standard of education. Communities are keeping a watchful eye over the expenses of education that are provided in public schools. Local schools are getting more concerned about the provision of high quality education and teaching staff, with deteriorating resources. Whereas, parents are becoming more concerned about their children receiving adequate education for flourishing in their future (Berger, 1991).

Question playing important part in state education is that is parental involvement important for schools to provide state of the art education to students with limited resource that almost are diminishing over the period of time. The other concern is that will parental involvement play role in instilling proficiency in teachers, enhance the achievements of students, or on the contrary, parental involvement will burden school staff, faculty, and administration. It is imperative for parents to comprehend the perimeter of their involvement in school, along with schools should recognize the limited parental involvement till the point of the prevalence of chances of such involvement resulting in betterment of school administration, teaching methodology, and child performance (Comer, 1998).

Parental involvement is not a singular term with a precise definition. Parental involvement is a term that includes numerous forms of involvement of parents in education and with the administration of the school. Parents participate by attending functions at school with their children and attending obligations of school like parent teacher meetings. Parents can also be involved in guiding their children in education, encouraging them, arranging for them a proper study place, allocating time for studies, reading stories, developing reading habits, monitoring homework, assisting them in mathematics problems, and tutoring children at home. Parents outside the home can serve as advocates for the school. Parents can also be involved with school activities by assisting in classrooms, and activities held at the school. The parent can also take up the role in making decisions with school for formulating, planning and providing education to children of the community (Coleman, 1998).


Benefits of Parental Involvement

Participation of parents in school administration though seems to be limited in the society; however, if such involvement is increased with the cooperation of both parents and school, it will result in numerous benefits (Chapman & Buchfeild, 1994). Some of the benefits that are perceived are listed as follows:

Skills Development of Teachers by Parents

It is said by the principals and teachers of different schools that ...
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