Why Is It Reasonable For Each Person To Follow The Rules?

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Why is it Reasonable for Each Person to Follow the Rules?

Why is it Reasonable for Each Person to Follow the Rules?

In order for the society to exist in a peaceful and harmonious way, certain rules and regulations have been set up. These rules are significant for the individuals to coexist with one another. These rules and regulations are necessary for the society in order to avoid crime and chaos. If there are no rules and regulations in the society, the entire civilization will be in complete disarray. There is a need in the societies to follow certain guidelines which can regulate the individuals towards one another. The rules must be respected because they favor the order, harmony and respect and consideration for others. A reasonable individual will always follow these rules and regulations in order as it is simply the right and just thing to do.

Moral values play a very important part in ensuring that the individual follows these rules and regulations which the society or the institutions have set up. Moral values are the behavioral based rules that are followed by the individuals (Pickhardt, 2010). Morality refers to the social norms and values ??that guide both individuals and their interaction with their peers, their community and their environment. In all these types of interactions, there are important values ??at stake, there are rules and standards that protect those values, the duties attached to social roles and positions that can stimulate and strengthen these values ??these rules, and human virtues and skills that enable us to act accordingly (Fieser & Pojman, 2012). These moral factors are generally inseparable from religious and social structures of power.

These rules and regulations are part of our ethics. Incorporating ethics into our lives should not be cause of surprise or presumption, as it ...
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