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Why I Want To Participate In This Internship Program

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Why I want to participate in this internship program

Why I want to Participate in this Internship Program

I am a good student of computer studies. The entire journey of earning a internship will be enlightening. It will aid me with a sound theoretical and practical knowledge about computers. To summarize my educational experience with the concept of initiation computer studies as it would be implemented in the internship I am loking forward for. It is my personal believe that the responsibility of a nurse can be very difficult, challenging and even at times frantic, on the same time very satisfying and internally gratifying. I believe and understand nursing as a lifelong profession which influences ever thing you do and the way you perceive the world.

My GPA has gradually increased as I started to pay added attention on grades because I had made up my mind to accomplish something. I became alert of the fact that achieving good grades in computers, as measured by GPA, would be very important to my MIS career in the future. After visiting the campus, reading the information pamphlet, in addition to researching the university Web site, I realize that this university offers what I look forward to gain from my university experience. In return, I will put in to the university as a IT person with leadership qualities who takes initiative and enjoys participating in school events..

I believe that I have to meet new challenges, and work under pressure in traumatic situations every day, while promptly responding to the internship program and other situations that arise. All this is to be done while remaining calm, and impartial at all times, and mindful of different cultures and tradition of individual clients. In my opinion, excellent attention to details has to be paid keeping in mind the sensitive nature of the work, one has to be able to feel compassion and provide comfort (Weiner, 2011).

I feel that I am a prospective MIS degree holder as I am greatly able to positively affect the environment around myself and draw other people out of their misery and IT withdrawal. I have several abilities that help me alter the course of my IT sector such as networking, databases etc using analytical skills. I have always been IT oriented, functional and organized that has helped me overcome obstacles in my IT sector (Barbara, 2008).

I as a rule find meaning in their work, daily ...
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