Why I Want To Fly

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Why I Want to Fly

Why I Want to Fly

For as long as I can't remember I always have been attracted to airplanes. And I want to fly an airplane myself and become a Private pilot. I do not remember a time that hasn't inspired me to board a plane. I want to be a pilot and get a pilot's license when I finish school because of my love for aviation. I love all aspects of flying, the tingling feeling in the back as the barrels of aircraft run down the runway and the sound of the jet taking of, and even the characteristic smell of jet fuel. I love everything about an airplane, the equipment, the elevation and the thrill that comes with it. I love airplanes and I want to fly.

Another reason why I want to fly is because; when I used to go on a cruise to Alaska I used to see a lot of airplanes. Since I loved airplanes a lot I was always excited to see them fly, and I dreamed that someday I will be amongst those people who are lucky enough to be up with the clouds. I always imagined the how the world looks from the sky and what it feels like to be up there and ponder upon the nature's beauty., I witnessed a lot of airplanes landing on the water, hearing the splashing sound of the water amazed me. When I witnessed this event I got an urge to jump into a plane and start flying. When I used to see the pilot get off the plane, I got envious of him. I used to imagine myself in his place and wondered how it would feel like to be a pilot. When I was younger I used to ...
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