Why I Chose To Become Clinical Nurse Specialist

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Why I chose to become clinical nurse specialist

Why I chose to become clinical nurse specialist

As being a nurse, I had an experience of clinical placement. I had been working as a wound nurse, then as a staff nurse in OR for couple of years. Later on, I moved to United States to work as a nurse in a long term services for health care. The aim of the experience was to reduce the suffering of the patient through extraordinary care and sensitive measures. Few studies show that providing extra care to the individuals through individual attention provided to the patient would reduce the anxiety of the patient. It may also reduce the worries of the patient for a fair while, and that is the motive of such care and attention.

Besides learning about how the patient reacts to my attention and care, the other main purpose of the experience were to learn from real expenses that would help me gain knowledge, so I can teach post registration, and postgraduate palliative care. The experience will help understand the affects of such treatment on patients. Since the patient is nearing death, it is more likely that the relatives of the patient may not like such treatment. For them, medical treatment that is dealing with the patient's problem is more significant than any emotional attachment or care to the patient (Vissers, W., Hutschemaekers, G., Keijsers, G., Van der Veld, W., & Hendriks, G, 2010).

The Services of Nursing Care are in the trade of care at home, and they are supplying sustaining facilities to the natives, who call for aid and are not well, they help out community by assisting it to preserve independency & the superiority of existence, and Services of Nursing Care make available all these facilities to the consumers at their residences. Distributing elevated superiority and secure cure is a most important challenge for health care, with constrainers for alteration arriving from advocacy of patients and their family units, from inner and organizational necessities, and from exterior and dictatorial potentials. To weigh up the situation of a health care setting there are particular stuff that should be argued. The milieu of an association of health care can be reviewed founded on the assessment of its approaches, and its management of strategy in order to provide sufficient health care services.

The topic of teaching for nursing is quite important. I feel that a teaching ...
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