Why I Chose This Field

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Why I Chose this Field

“Low aim is the crime, so we should have high aims in our life”

These words of Emerson truly reflect how a passionate person should live his or her life. Life is not a bed of roses. It presents many challenges to us, but the winner is one who faces these challenges, and proves himself as a remarkable individual. Life has also thrown many challenges to me, and I dealt with them bravely. My motto in life is to be myself and discover pearls of knowledge to awaken my spirit and to serve others. I have always been ambitious and determined in my life but I was downright shy as well. Moreover, even when I used to be around my friends, I could not bring myself to make a decision for fear that I might be criticized. Furthermore, I still remember that in the beginning I wasn't able to settle down and did terrible with my grades during the first year of my college life.

My father was always very supportive and encouraged me in every step of my life. He always supported me in whatever I did. He was an army doctor. He used to be away most of the time but he was my inspiration to do better in life. However, when I was in the junior school, the worst moment of my life occurred that changed my life completely. My father who was my role model, inspiration, and motivation to achieve my dreams was killed by an army of neighbor country. I was lost, and became hopeless because my motivation is not with me anymore. I dropped out of school for some years, so I spend my time aimlessly without any motivation of achieving something. I was shattered and forgot all my dreams and ambitions. My friends and my ...
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