Why Drugs Should Not Be Legalized?

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Why drugs should not be legalized?

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Why drugs should not be legalized?


The use of drugs has been a common practice in people belonging from different societies of the world. Some drugs are prescribed by doctors for recovery of chronic diseases. This usage has created dependence over these drugs, lowering the level of resistance in patients. Drugs are not specifically used for recovering from prolong or chronic disease, drugs are used for the purpose of relaxation, adventure and fun. This perspective of using the drugs can lead to misuse or more severely resulting in addiction of drugs. Once the person get drug addicts, it is very difficult to quit the habits and require strong determination and willpower to overcome addiction. Usage of drugs not causes physical deterioration but it also poses sever psychological threats to the individual.

The use of drugs becomes common in young age when teenagers are influenced by world famous celebrities, who are engaged in taking drugs. Hollywood celebrities, inspire young girls and boys to indulge into taking drugs to become “cool” and adventurous among their friends. Secondly children who are inspired to become famous athletes and sportsmen, on the revelation of their involvement in drug usage are inclined and think that it is ethical to take drugs, for enhancing the performance. For example lance Armstrong, has been caught for using steroids, putting wrong influence on mind of young ones.


One of the most common topics of today's time is regarding the usage of drugs. There are people who consider the usage of drugs as financially beneficial, while some other are of the opinion that drugs usage disadvantages discard its advantages. In my opinion, drugs legislation should not be allowed as it poses great threats to the user. As society comprised of different people, who may hold different thoughts, Ideas, and opinion and there are people who are in favor of legalizing the usage of drugs. The basic argument behind their opinion is that every individual is free and has every right to lead their life in their own aye and perspective The (Associated Press, 2007).

I my opinion there are many disadvantages of legalization of drugs. Firstly, from health institute perspective, overuse of drugs, such as alcohol and narcotics, can lead to lung, stomach and limbs disorders and some other major problems like heart failure. Along with physical diseases, overuse of drugs causes many psychological disadvantages, ...
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