Why Do Most Parents Want To Adopt A Newborn Vs. Older Child"?

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Why do most parents want to adopt a newborn vs. older child"?

Why do most parents want to adopt a newborn vs. older child"?


Adoptions in the United States of America are generally carried out through two roads one may be agency adoption or the other maybe independent adoption. Adoption agencies are licensed by the state governments in which the agencies are located. The government of America has a website that lists the licensed agencies which are both private and public. The private adoptions prioritize infant adoptions while public adoptions are more usually associated with finding homes for adult children (Gumus & Lee, 2010). On the other hand, independent adoptions are carried out in the presence of an attorney and it has been observed that 55% of the adoptions of the newborn in the United States are supposed to be independent adoptions. It has been approved and accredited by research that parents often try to develop relations with the families giving birth to the child (Gumus & Lee, 2010). This allows them to get closer to the details of the family and various characteristics that the child may grow up with. Parents try to adopt infants in order to ensure that they are able to raise the child as per their own values and culture as established personalities cannot be mould later whereas infants are raised with what they learn from their parents on a general note (Gumus & Lee, 2010). The following paper summarizes five of the articles focusing on as to why parents prefer adopting a new born as compared to an adult child.


Starting the adoption Process

The article describes the scenario of Kelly and Tom who decided to adopt a baby and started consulting an agency. They then luckily found a mother who was just going to give birth to a child (Epstein, n.d). They went to meet her and then after a few weeks, she gave birth to a healthy son. Kelly exclaimed when she mentioned the fact that they tried to make a bond with the mother who gave the birth to the child and the whole process then seemed very easy (Gumus & Lee, 2010).

This must not be forgotten that adoption is not that quick, but for couples who try to adopt domestically do not face the difficulties of the process and the things are not at all time consuming. The editor of Adoptive Families magazine, Susan puts it in this way, "There are many myths about adoption that may scare couples away from even considering it." However, one of the most difficult decisions is to identify whether the couple shall adopt a newborn or an adult child, the child shall belong to which race etc (Epstein, n.d). Parents often prefer adopting a new born and file the request. The legal requirements are usually fulfilled in a short time period. The process is followed by training of the mothers and counseling them properly to take care of the child. It has been observed that parents often try ...
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