Why College Education Is Important To Me

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Why College Education Is Important To Me

Why College Education is Important to Me

The term "College education" is defined as the preparation of highly qualified specialists for the sectors of economy, science, technology and culture in various types of schools.

Since Childhood, everybody has a dream to excel in any professional career. Priorities depend upon the person to person, but wish to become the best would always prevail in heart. My aim and objective is to achieve college degree and secure a career oriented job in highly growing environment. My dream is to become a leader and bring significant change in our country. This would not be possible without college education. I believe that my education will bring some abilities and skills in me to become and leader, made my country proud. My inspiration as a Leader is Abraham Lincoln. I have read his biography and try to become like him. It is not a one night dream to become a leader I have to work day and night to achieve my objective and goal. We select our path according to our interests as everybody has some unique qualities, interests, and habits according to which they choose their career. A good education is becoming increasingly important in today's evolving society. To achieve goals and objective in life education plays initial and foremost role. Ending days of high school bring enthusiasm and excitement of college education. College education brings significant change in the life of students. There is a huge difference in high school and college education. College education bring can provide me exiting and interesting opportunities (Knapp, Siegel, 2009). College education helps you to make professional relationship. It helps a person to get more civilized and creative. Maximum development is required on individual ways and of course in different degrees of the problems ...
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