Why Abortion Is Immoral

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Why Abortion is Immoral

Why Abortion is Immoral


The abortion is a serious issue that is increasing in our societies. Most of the people consider that abortion is an illegal act while for some others; the abortion is a legal act. The conflicting beliefs in the societies regarding the issue of abortion have made difficult the practicing of the legal laws that have been developed (James, R., Stuart, R., 2011). Abortion is considered as the immoral act because it involves killing a precious life and also it involve taking the life and future of innocent child. Many theories regarding abortion have been developed that discourages the act of abortion. Don Marquis (1989) has also discussed some important facts regarding abortions. The author has made significant arguments that logically discourage the abortion of unborn child.

The following section aims at discussing in detail about the arguments that are discussed in the article. The careful and in depth analysis will assist in understanding that how the author has logically proved the arguments and has considered the abortion an illegal act.


The most of the claims and arguments that are made by Don Marquis are related to the development of the fetus. According to Don Marquis (1989), the killing of the fetus is as equal as killing the adult human being. The article has mentioned that apart from the cases of rapes, the abortion endangers the mother's life when the fetus has achieved the time of two weeks. Don Marquis has suggested that as the fetus can feel the pain as that of the adult, therefore, the killing of the too young child is considered as the crime. Don Marquis has also mentioned that the debate on the topic of abortion is very critical as the issue is very difficult to resolve because of the conflicting concepts and viewpoints. There is a great conflict that whether the fetus has right to live or not in case if the abortion is desired. The most significant claim that is mentioned in the article is that the pro-lifers should be focused upon that the fetuses are the human beings whereas, the pro-choicer should focus on the truth that the fetuses are not persons.

It is highlighted by the Don Marquis (1989), that in order to make effective progress in the debate on the topic of abortion, it will be required to follow the argumentative strategy. The strategy that is proposed ...
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