Whole Foods

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Whole Foods

Whole Foods


Whole Foods Market, Inc. is a supermarket chain focusing on organic products, with a natural vocation to social responsibility. After the first year of business in Texas, since 1988 began the "expansion in California, followed in the years" 90 by growth through acquisitions that led to the "acquisition of 181 local chains in the United States.

It is a supermarket chain operating in the United States and Britain specializing in natural and organic products. Has 190 facilities, 26,600 employees and last year had sales of $ 5,600 million and net income of $ 204 million. Its capitalization is $ 5,740 million. With this we can get an idea of its size. I will ignore the results of today and fall of more than 10% because, frankly, I care very little. The question is, as always, what results will be in the coming years? And the answer to this question is, how could it be otherwise in their competitive advantage and sustainability seems clear that the company has found a very profitable niche, and if we analyze the trends in consumption patterns, with considerable growth. Those of my generation are quite obsessed with health and the environment, so that as our purchasing power is greater, these businesses will benefit. WFMI has a very high margin for a retailer. Morningstar your margin is 3.40% versus 1.90% of the sector. This is due to the nature (pun intended) of your business. Its competitive strategy is Differentiation Focus.


Whole Foods Market's rapid growth and success were due primarily to the way their products selected under quality standards to ensure safety to the customers act and reliable product for your health. Also exist due to their human capital devoted to maintaining and improving the quality of service, this is because the company is based on keeping their employees trained and motivated each other and growing part of everyday life, to strengthen the main pillars of the company (Whittington, 2000).

What is Whole Foods Market has a well-founded strategic plans, which are focused and directed in its mission and vision of the supermarket and who worry about carrying them out including the core strategy based on its short, long term (White & Poynter, 2000). The important thing is this achievable goals that focused the company to continue its strategic plan which was to develop its vision, which is covered by the expansion of its retail operations to offer more nutritious, healthy, top quality, safety looking for a great number of clients increased, the company was focused on promoting organic food grown, incorporating the theme of better nutrition for the health of customers, providing the consumer aspects of food safety and ecosystem sustainability (Campbell, Goold & Alexander, 2005).

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