Who Has The Right To Counsel Another Person?

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Who Has the Right to Counsel another Person?

Who Has the Right to Counsel another Person?


This paper discuss the topic of counseling and answer the question that, “who has the right to counsel another person”? This question has to be the answer in the context of the ethical and psychological perspective. One of the main reasons of discussing this with the psychological point of view is that, the counseling to the psychology of a person so one should ask this question to himself or herself before asking for any kind of counseling. The Psychological Counseling is not only giving advice, but focuses on facilitating the process of patient's choices in the decisions that must be taken as to profession, family, relationship and etc. There is a case some people seek counseling could talk, and another to know some information and some still have severe and may be referred to psychotherapy (Corey, 2012).


Often psychological counseling is seen as a practice that provides “solutions” to small or large mismatches of conduct or even to give clear directions to the decisions to be taken by a patient. These ideas are very connected with the first practices in Counseling Psychology but did not pursue the development of the technique (Sue & Sue, 2012). Currently, counselling is seen as a learning process with goals and adapts the subject according to the values ??he attributes to life. The human capacity and potential loads that can be measured and developed and therefore has potential for development and change, thereby counselor should take the place of model, organizing standards of conduct, social values ??and habits of citizenship actively and direct. In more severe cases, the client should be referred to psychotherapy, but more significant than the task of forwarding it or not therapy is the task of welcoming him ...