Who Committed The First/Original Sin?

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Who committed the first/original sin?


The original sin has faced so many contradictions in regard to whom it is concerned. However, it is still a question that who is committed to the original sin. The cause of evil in the world is sin. The Devil and the demons were created by God, but they became evil because they committed the great sin of rejecting God. They were immediately thrown into Hell, condemned forever. By his sin, it has brought envy and hatred of God to men. Adam and Eve got themselves deceived by the devil and disobeyed God. This was the first sin on earth which is referred to as the original sin, and therefore all descendants of Adam and Eve, except the Blessed Virgin Mary, come into the world with original sin in the soul, and the consequences of that first sin, which is in transmitted by generation.

Our first parents were Adam and Eve, and all of them descended men. God created Adam and Eve very good and happy, with many qualities and sanctifying grace and the gifts of immortality and integrity (Cross, 2011). Our first parents did not keep the gifts with which they were created, as they were fooled by the devil and disobeyed God, thereby committing the first sin. The sin of our first parents harmed them and also to all his descendants, who are all men and women of the world. However, it has been contradictory that who is the main culprit of first/ original sin?

Research question

Who committed the first/original sin?


The original sin has significant impact on the readers. Everyone born in this world has a deprivation of original holiness and justice. A quadruple rupture enters the world through this Sin. This quadruple rupture involves rupture of man with God, with our self, with other human beings and all creation. Product of these disruptions has contributed towards original sin resulting to weaken the human nature. These disruptions have subjected to ignorance, suffering, death and the inclination to sin.

This paper presents a study of the above research question and explores who has committed the first/ original sin. For this purpose, a critical review is done for the three secondary sources that broadly address this question. The paper provides a review of each secondary resource and finds that Adam was the first who committed the original sin.

“Therefore, just as through one person sin entered the world, and through sin, death, and thus death came to all, inasmuch as all sinned…” (Bickerstaff, 2012).

Stephane (Stephane, 2013) addressed “Original Sin” through the Catholic Encyclopedia, by dividing his work into six main sections. The first section defines the meaning of original sin in a very easy way by demonstrating sin that was committed by the Adam, and that a consequence of the first sin. He defines original sin through principal adversaries, original sin in scripture, original sin in tradition, original sin in the face of the objectives of human reason, and nature of original sin in the later sections of his work ...