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Table of Contents


Executive Summary3


Situational analysis3

Reasons For Product Failure3

Product Life cycle3



Marketing Objectives3

Target Market3

Marketing Mix3

Product Strategies3

Product Decisions3


Pricing Strategies3

Ansoffs Matrix3

Specific Marketing strategies3


Implementing, monitoring and controlling the marketing plan3

Financial forecasts3


Monitoring And Controlling3

Sales Analysis3

Market share analysis3

Whittakers, PEST Analysis3

Part B3

Corporate Social Responsibility3

Green Marketing3



Executive Summary

This marketing plan is identifying the process to make the proposed Honey and Nut ice cream by Whittakers' health foods a reality. Whittaker's Health foods has recognised the opportunity to enter the rapidly growing ice cream market. Whittakers entered into the market and failed to capture the market due to lack of market research and resource allocation. Whittakers repositioned their marketing strategy and came out again with a better marketing budgets, innovative products and better advertising strategies.

Part A


Whittakers' health foods have been established for 10 years and have been the leader in health food products for five years and entering the ice cream market will increase Whittaker's market share considerably.  Whittaker's stability means that this venture will be low risk. Whittakers' sees that this will be a great step forward for the company.

Situational analysis

Reasons For Product Failure

Marketers assess the marketing climate inadequately.

The wrong group is targeted.

A weak positioning strategy is used.

A less-than-optimal "configuration" of product or service attributes and benefits is selected.

A questionable pricing strategy is implemented.

The advertising campaign generates an insufficient level of new product/new service awareness.

Cannibalization depresses corporate profits.

Over-optimism about the marketing plan leads to a forecast that cannot be sustained in the real world.

The marketing plan for the new product or service is not well implemented in the real world.

The marketer believes that the new product and its marketing plan has died and cannot be revived, when, in fact there is the potential for resurrection.


Whittakers' health foods have now been the leaders in health food products for over 5 years.  Whittakers' realising the high demand for a healthy ice cream product is able to provide for this demand as the company is stable and strong. Whittakers' also has a variety of stable assets.  This is a strength of the business and the product as it has security.

            Australia has a strong ice cream market, being second to America in total consumption and third to America and New Zealand in per capita consumption, consuming approximately 18L per capita per annum.  Whittakers', entering a strong and booming market, with a 3% increase in total sales in the past year, gives a certain level of assurance to the success of the Honey and Nut ice cream range, making it a strength.

            Ice cream consumption is also becoming less seasonal, as the product is now serving as a snack throughout the year, sales are then likely to be stable rather than rising and falling through out the year.  Growth in ice cream sales may also be attributed to rising levels of disposable incomes, allowing consumers to but non-essential foods frequently.  Stability in sales is sales is a strength of the product as it has consistency.

            Whittakers' Honey and Nut ice cream range is a unique product on the ...
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