White Collar Crimes

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Critically Examine What A Security Manager Can Do To Prevent White Collar Crime


Research and Development performed by a Security Manager3

Implementation and Enforcement of Technologies, Procedures and Policies7

Feedback and Reporting of Implemented Security Measures12


Critically Examine What A Security Manager Can Do To Prevent White Collar Crime


This assignment is based on the critical examination of what a security manager can do to prevent white collar crime. A white collar crime is an unethical and illegal crime which is considered to be the non violent act as it has been characterized by deception. White collar crime includes several kinds of fraud or it includes an effort for subverting a criminal investigation. The white collar crimes are impeached at federal level or at state level. It depends on the laws that are broken. There are many types of white collar crimes. The white collar crime within the organization can include embezzlement in which property owned by business or person is taken. However, blackmail and bribery can also be the form of white collar crime (Michalowski, 2006).

White collar crime, in many organizations, is not considered as a crime by many people until they become victim of this crime. White collar crime can be classified into two types of crimes: organizational crime and occupational crime. When the crime is committed for personal benefit then it is known as occupational crime and when the crime is committed for organizational benefits then it is known as organizational crime. Organizational crimes are usually committed with the encouragement and support of a formal business organization. There are several activities which represent white collar crime. There is a huge range of unlawful activities which contribute to white collar crime. These unlawful activities include insider trading, fraud, tax evasion, embezzlement, failure in following workplace safety standards and bribery money laundering etc (Croall, 2009).

The most crucial step in strategy deployment includes the step of enforcing it on the level of an organization. The first crucial step in the analysis of the crime is to pinpoint the nature of crime which will be done considering the case of white collar crimes. Moreover, the evolution and relevant examples will also be observed which will be quite helpful to the security manager for inter related situation with similar occurrences in the past. The continuous development is the key for fighting against this sinister crime and the paper will look into the information management techniques to prevent the data theft from the organization (Hamilton et.al, 2004).

The white collar crime is very present in American and British society, as revealed by congressional investigations and other research on many areas of business, such as utilities, banking, insurance, real estate, manufacturing and goods. White collar crime produces its impacts on the contemporary life's key areas. Financial scandals like pension frauds and the collapse of major banks interrogates the legality of the financial and economic world. Moreover, the climate of unpleasantness is becoming a political matter. Public sector and tax fraud demotes resources of the government which are ...
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