Whether or not terrorist groups are likely to use WMD
Whether or not terrorist groups are likely to use WMDii
Role played by 9/113
Capabilities of Terrorists4
Motivational Factors5
Origin community5
Target population5
International Public opinion5
Justifications of Different Islamists6
Preventing use of WMD6
Possible Reasons against Terrorist Use7
Whether or not terrorist groups are likely to use WMD
The term weapon of mass destruction (WMD) is although not so old, but this activity of killing human is as old as the man himself. Efforts of stopping the production and the probable use of these deadly weapons have succeeded till some extent. This is done by making agreements among the countries. The existence of UNO is also a very important part of these efforts. Need of such bodies was felt after the world wars the earth has suffered from. The institutions at the core for this particular nonproliferation administration are designed for affecting the policies and decisions.
The acts of terrorism are performed in order to create fear among the people. This is also sometimes done for showing that how incompetent the government is in keeping the system in order and providing security to its people. Terrorism is sometimes also for dragging concentration of the people to any particular cause of neglected group of people.
It is very essential for any government to assess and list all priorities of the potential threats to the state. Security is the primary concern when it comes on the responsibility of the law enforcing agencies. Highly capable and generously funded intelligence agencies struggle for formulating consistent and proper threat assessments. Terrorism is not an easy issue to be assessed. Threat that the terrorist might use the weapon of mass destruction (WMD) is not new. These are a general perception which is considered in order to make the agencies ready for any potential big burst.
It has been an issue from so many years that estimations and evidences are even given that Al-Qaeda is planning chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) attacks. Being policymakers there are doubts about inherent uncertainty, interpretations and quality of the intelligence continue to nibble although with every day passing. Extrapolating the worst possibility from the imperfect information one has and the safe playing through safe routes are the rewards for the decisions made by the policy makers.
Terrorism is a global issue; all the countries throughout the globe are under the threat of these inhumane activities. These activities are a big threat for the humans because it clearly violates the meanings of the term “human”. In past few years, the world has faced so many terrorists attack which were ill intensions of groups which associate them from different countries, religions and beliefs. But the true is that no religion, no social group and no human mind can plan or command such activities. All of them are violating, and some unintentionally misinterpreting what they are actually told.
In the last few years, various literatures in the context of terrorism have been written. This shows that all kinds of weapons including biological, radiological, chemical and nuclear are witnessed ...