Where Did Moon Come From?

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Where did Moon come from?

Where did Moon come from?


There is something haunting in the light of the moon;

it has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul,

and something of its inconceivable mystery.

-Joseph Conrad 1857-1924

Moon, the largest and the brightest object of the night sky, has always been a subject of curiosity and wonder. Radiating a mysterious air of magic, moon is associated with different emotions and actions. It is used to define the beauty, depth of love and even mysterious or lunatic behaviors are also referred to the moon. No other object of galaxy is enough mystifying to arrest the attention of people and making them myths about its creation than the moon. Where did it come from or what is its origin has always been a myth, but no legend is ever said to be authenticate enough yet such legends keep on appearing which just increases the strangeness of the Moon.


Moon was not as mysterious for ever as it is now. It used to be a charming and charismatic boy since its birth. He was born to a poor family living amidst the jungle after many prayers. His parents had other children too but they soon left the couple and that is why old man and woman wanted a child for their old age. Before couple of days of his birth, an old bearded man visits the pregnant woman and asks for something to eat. Being happy from her behavior he asks woman to wish something for his to be born child. He gave her two choices; either she may ask for his happy and content life or for his eternal presence and fame. The woman, without giving a thought, asks for his eternal presence. The bearded man then left saying, “Your son will be talked, remembered and even seen forever but eternal presence comes with a price, and your son will have to pay it”. The couple did not ponder about the incident much and regarded as a prank of an old man. The night moon born was darker than before, it was pitch black outside and inside their hut as well. Moon brings a mystical silver light with his birth. The stars and leaves, start shining when moon came out of his mother's womb. He was fairer than his parents and had charismatic eyes which had the ability to spell bound a person in its depth. Magnetism of his personality grows just as he grows up. His allure reminds his mother the prediction of bearded man and she got worried about his future.

One day, moon was hunting in jungle and caught a blue sparrow in his net. It was small, fragile and beautiful. Impressed by its beauty, he frees the bird but it was not a bird. It was a princess, Chukar, from sky kingdom. She immediately turns herself into a girl. She is not fair in color as moon rather her skin was tanned with red lips and black and brown ...
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